Leader- Maz
Scribe- Saree


1) Aetiology + Risk Factors –occupational causes of asthma (soldering)+ triggers for asthma (exercise-+ve and –ve) + air-cond ----- Yazid

2) Pathophysiology of asthma, signs and symptoms -----Chris

3) Investigations- spirometry + interpretation of findings + conditions that are irreversible/x + diurnal variability with peak flow----Saree

4) Management- pharmaco + non-pharm, nebulizers vs. inhalers------Alvin

5) Complications of asthma + relationship with polypectomy, chronic persistent nasal obstruction, heartburn + relationship with naproxen/ hypersensitivity-----Christine

6) Asthma- early + late onset------Maz

p/s: i really don't know how to rearrange all the posts..somebody else has to do it..(Chris?)=D