first child, to mother of 27 years of age requested elective caesarian section at 36 weeks in Mersing. baby was flat with Apgar score 4'7' . baby proceeded to develop respiratory distress and possibly fitting. baby was going to be transferred to HSA for further treatment.

1. Prematurity - mano
- Why did the baby come out flat/going to fit/respiratory distress in elective caesarian section?
- Timing of elective caesarian section
- (non ketotic hypoglycaemia of childhood)

2. Delay in treatment - what can happen? alvin
- neonatal transport compare australia and malaysia

3. What are the services available in a rural hospital compared to city hospital?
- what can you do as immediate care for the patient in a rural setting? yazid

4. antenatal complications resulting in low apgar score - tell us about apgars. maz

5. potential impact of transfer on mother and baby? chris

6. ethical issues surrounding mothers/doctors choice of auspicious date? christine

7. neonatal resuscitation - saree