By PBL Group A

Summary of case

patient, 7 year old girl, known case of ASD presented to AnE because of symptoms suggestive of bronchopneumonia. currently shows signs of cardiac failure with pulmonary hypertension.

detected with ASD since 1 1/2 years of age. deferred surgery but on six monthly follow - up at HSA.

previously child was known to be well and able to undergo normal daily activities (did not involved in vigorous exercise). family from low socioeconomic class. both parents work and earn rm1500 in total. have 4 children still schooling.

reason of parents not wanting surgery:
1) confused, dont fully understand condition
2) wanted alternative treatment
3) money?


  1. Ethical and legal issues concerning parents and doctors (MALAYSIA!!!!!! – mano)
  2. Doctors role in advocating to child? - maze
    1. Compare law in Singapore n Australia
  3. Support (financial, support group, NGOs etc for pre and post surgery) - saree
  4. Types of Congenital HD -christine
  5. Pathophysiology ASD (now to future) yazid
  6. Prognosis (with or without treatment) chris
  7. Types of management for ASD (EBCP) alvin


Index 4

By PBL Group A

first child, to mother of 27 years of age requested elective caesarian section at 36 weeks in Mersing. baby was flat with Apgar score 4'7' . baby proceeded to develop respiratory distress and possibly fitting. baby was going to be transferred to HSA for further treatment.

1. Prematurity - mano
- Why did the baby come out flat/going to fit/respiratory distress in elective caesarian section?
- Timing of elective caesarian section
- (non ketotic hypoglycaemia of childhood)

2. Delay in treatment - what can happen? alvin
- neonatal transport compare australia and malaysia

3. What are the services available in a rural hospital compared to city hospital?
- what can you do as immediate care for the patient in a rural setting? yazid

4. antenatal complications resulting in low apgar score - tell us about apgars. maz

5. potential impact of transfer on mother and baby? chris

6. ethical issues surrounding mothers/doctors choice of auspicious date? christine

7. neonatal resuscitation - saree


week 3 - IDDM

By PBL Group A

ahmad ,17 y/o boy

IDDM 8 years age, PCx DKA

good compliance until 14 years age

diabetic retinopathy grade 2

school performance bad

1) in adolescent malaysia/oz- etiology, epi mano
2) immediate/long term complications christine
3) perception of disease in different age group (below 10, above 10) yazid
4) management (educating patient) and coping strategies of chronic disease in adolescent alvin
5) compliance in adolescent chris
6) lifestyle and diet - restrictions; can and cannot do maze
7) cost of treatment (yearly......?) government subsidy for IDDM? (malaysia/australia) saree


1. Pregnancy in a minor/teenager mano
- incidence, under what circumstances do they occur.
2. Family dynamics yazid
- disclosure of information
- are you going to send girl back to stepfather?
3. Homelessness and Financial Problems maz
- How does one deal with it?
- What problems arise?
- Where can they get support? Welfare in JB for homeless, pregnant
4. Substance Abuse in Adolescence chris
5. Ethical and Legal Rights saree
- Abortion? Is it allowed under these circumstances?
- Reporting etc
6. Unprotected sex christine
- what to do if someone who comes in after having unprotected sex?
----> tests, counselling
7. What are the options to offer the patient? ALVIN


issues to discuss
1. Breaking bad news
2. what they know _ add on
3. what are their options?
- abortions
- what happens if cont' pregnancy
- support available?
- prognosis of child
4. counseling on future pregnancies
5. involvement of family members.

1.Epi+aetiology - christine
2. clinical features- saree
3. screening + prevention- antenatal, folate etc - alvin
4. Mx- immediate- chris
5. Complications+Mx- long-term- Yazid
6. ethics+law- abortions-options, what happens with conflicting opinions, compare msia+aust-Maze
7. Psychosocial, health policy- whats available, support available, compare msia+aust, mother's guilt -MANO!


Group tutorial 2

By PBL Group A

1) Request for Medication as in consulting skills manual using the Directed Activities
Pg23 Activity 1 guidelines (discuss CARE Model for Strong Emotions) Maz and SAree

2) Breaking Bad News as in the Directed Activities Pg 23 (discuss Kubhler Ross Stages
of Grief) Yazid and Alvin

3) Unplanned Teenage Pregnancy as in Consulting Skills Manual (Use the HEADDS
Model & a mention on Gillicks Competence / Judgement Christine and Dr. Vanassa

4) Case 4 in Directed Activities " Overly Friendly Patient" & Professional Boundaries Mano and chris


1. How do you carry out a risk assessment? What do you ask? in terms of osce etc etc etc saree

2. CBT - discuss concepts of CBT and use in anxiety, panic and depression - Yazid

3. Types of psychotherapy - when do you which types??? which diseases do you use certain types? maz

4. EBCP - evidence of CBT in treating patients wit psychiatric conditions - you choose la what psych condition - BMD, depression wtv wtv alvin

5. The various people involved in psychotherapy - the different teams etc etc

6. Techniques of behaviour therapy - relaxation, exposure etc etc chrissie

7. ethical issues of imposing values in dynamic psychotherapy - read up in oxford.

Chris and mano choose which tasks you guys wana do. Choose between 5 & 7.


1. Types of Dementia - characteristics, differences etc ----- alzheimers saree

2. causes of cognitive disorders maze

3. management of dementia - include patient mx, family mx --- education, advice etc etc. christine

4. investigations/assessments for dementia/alzheimers - explani MMSE, ADL two types (intrumental & executive functioning, imaging techniques alvin

5. pathophysiology of alzheimers & alzheimers mx yazid


Tutorial 4

By PBL Group A

- What is a medical record? Types / Contents-- Mano
- Difference between Medical Record & Medical Report-- MAz
-How to write a good medical record-- Alvin
-Pitfalls to avoid in Medical Record & what not to write-- Chris
-How to keep Medical Records , rules on amendments, how long to keep records --Chrisitne
-Ownership & disclosure/release of contents-- saree!
-Consent for treatment & procedures- Yazid
Medicolegal considerations regarding Medical Records-- Yazid
-Bolam's Principle 1957 & Roger vs Whittaker 1992 brief discussion -- Mano


1. alvin evidence based practice - compare typical and atypical antipsychotics. kadir's/cindy's talk
2. mano Typicals
- common ones, dosages, , mechanism of action, modes of administration
3. maze Atypicals.
- common ones, dosages, mechanism of action, modes of administration
4. saree Side effects and the Management of side effects of typical and atypical antipsychotics.
5. chris fun facts of antipsychotics
6. drug interactions of antipsychotics and other illnesses/diseases/conditions
7. christine - choice of antipsychotics. how do you decide? why do you choose a particular one?


1. acute abdo pain in children - yazid
2 acute abdo pain in women - christine
3. acute abdo pain in general (adult) - alvin

For the above cover:
- common causes
- investigations
- management
- history/exam


By PBL Group A

Tasks: Non adherence to medication

  1. yazid EBCP – comparing adherence to medication in psych patients & other medical specialties?
  2. maz Why are they not compliant. factors contributing to patient non compliance.
  3. saree How to manage non compliant patients? How can we make them more compliant?
  4. chris ‘Popular’ medications that patients are not compliant to? Psych meds that are higher on non compliant list as well as meds for other illnesses.
  5. alvin & mano Role play – how can the therapist convince patients?


schizopherenic patient (not) taking anti psychotic

  1. As above
  2. How to Assess Adherence christine



By PBL Group A

1. diagnostic approach - what do u need in history, examination saree

2. investigations chris

3. causes of FF&FT mano

4. differences between dementia and depression. maz



1. Process of admission to a psychiatric facility - voluntary, involuntary, confused, demented, semi voluntary - Yazid

2. Definition of voluntary & involuntary admission - legals aspects. What are the patient's rights in this matter etc. How far does the doctor's say go? etc etc etc - christine

3. Ethical issues involved in involuntary admission - mano

4. mental health act on involuntary admission - maze

5. Causes & conditions in which one can be admitted involuntarily - alvin

6. somatoform disorders - malingering, factitious & - saree

7. conversion disorders - chris


PEERLS case 4

By PBL Group A

Psychotropic Medication In Pregnancy and Childbirth

1. Discuss the article (EBM) - psychotropic meds in pregnancy alvin
2. Psychotropics medication - the groups & how do you tailor these psychotropics in pregnant women. Indication & contraindication maz
3. How do you manage a pregnant woman with substance abuse? drugs, alco etc Who are the players yo! yazeee
4. Effects of substance abuse to the fetus/baby/ child chris
5. Ethical/legal issues surrounding women & children in relation to substance abuse. mano
6. Substance Induced Psychosis - tell us about it! opioids, stimulants, hallucinogens, cannabinoids. saree
7. Mx of substance induced psychosis - for the above mentioned substances. christine


PEERLS case 3- ECT

By PBL Group A

1. indications/ contraindications, S/E maz
2. EBCP- efficacy of ECT chris
3. ethical and legal issues- risk involved- sareeeeeeeeeeeee
4. mechanism of action- physiology yazid
5. history of ECT mano
6. procedure, steps alvin



By PBL Group A


Nor Adilah is a 39 year old married Malay (lady) housewife with a history of past suicide attempts.

The patient is the only source of information as the relatives were not
around to interview.

Chief Complaint

The patient said in her own words “Saya ada sakit perut dan belakang
semasa marah” which roughly translates to stomach and back pain when she
is angry.


She was brought to the hospital by her husband on Friday and
admitted by approx. 11am. She had attempted to commit suicide earlier in
the morning by self strangulation but was coaxed to stop by her daughter.
Throughout the month leading up to the incident, she claims to see a
female apparition at the foot of her bed every night. She also claims to
hear a female voice telling her that she is useless and that she should
commit suicide. When she gets angry, multiple voices can be heard. She
also claims to have back and stomach pain that increases in severity and
frequency within a week of the incident. She complains of loss of
appetite leading her to refrain from eating solids for a week and
drinking fluids instead. These symptoms are aggravated when she gets
angry at her daughter, who is not on good terms with her.

Functional Enquiry

My patient’s mood was low in the month leading up to the suicide attempt.
She claimed to have cried daily. She claimed to have not enough energy to
do her daily activities and was not interested in them. She hints on not
having sex with her husband for a while.

She claims to take alcohol as an adolescent but has stopped after her
marriage nearly two decades ago. She does not smoke. She does not take
illicit drugs.

She worries constantly about her daughter and seemed preoccupied with her
apparent truancy and smoking.

She sees a female figure and hears a female voice talking to her.

She has had three suicide attempts including this one. She did not have
any suicide plans and claims that it came to her spontaneously.

Past Psychiatric History

Early last year, she attempted to kill herself by ingesting 9 sleeping
pills. She was found unconscious by her husband who brought her to the
the hospital. She claims to have been upset by her daughter who smoked
and stopped schooling secretly. She claims to have argued with her
daughter and physically hitting her. After her discharge, she claimed to
have no symptoms until December.

In December, she claimed to start having the hallucinations. She
attempted to commit suicide using a knife but was stopped by her daughter
on the spot. She was admitted in the psychiatry ward for a week. She
claims to have taken pills prescribed to her and claims compliance.

Soon after her discharge, her symptoms reappeared but she did not do
anything about it until the present incident.

Past Medical History

She was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus 5 years ago and is on metformin.
She was diagnosed with end stage renal failure last year and is awaiting
an AV fistula.
She has had no previous history of epileptic fits or head injury

No allergies.

Family History

No family members with psychiatric symptoms in past or present. Both
parents are healthy with no known medical illness.

Personal History

She does not know of any incidences or health problems during her birth
and early childhood.

She claims to lead a happy childhood with friends in school.

She claims that her adolescence was marked with truancy, and alcohol use.
She claims to have been delinquent.

Her life had been stable after marriage and the birth of her child. She
claimed to have a good relationship with her daughter until last year.


Major depression (with psychosis)




1. Aetiology, RF of suicide- alvin
2. Suicide and the Law (Australian and Malaysian Law) + Ethical issues -chris
3. Prevention of suicide (NGOs, hotline, services)- yazid
4. Management of suicide patients- christine
5. Risk assessment of suicide- maz
6. Fun facts about suicide- manno
7. Food and refreshments


PEERLS Tutorial 1:

Substance Abuse

Mr. K a 30 year old unemployed Indian male with a 10 year history of excessive alcohol consumption presented to the psychiatric clinic for a scheduled appointment.

He was given the appointment after his admission to the medical wards in HSA on the 21/01/09 for 6 days. At the time he was admitted through the A&E department with severe right upper quadrant pain associated with vomiting and tremors after consuming 3 bottles of “Seven Seas” on his own.
He also complains of having trouble sleeping at night and so “drinks himself to sleep”each night. He mentions that he is easily fatigued as compared to how he was in the past about 3 – 4 years ago. He complains of loss of interest and concentration whilst talking to people as well as when asked to perform any chores around the house. He also complains of feeling helpless as he would like to get married and settle down with a family and a job but has had three failed relationships in the past 10 years. He also feels worthless as he can’t support himself and feels like he has no where and no one to turn to. This has lead to him having several thought of suicide but has never actually attempted it. He mentions having heard voices telling him to commit suicide as well as voices calling him to a certain point. But when he walked towards the voice, he couldn’t locate it. He also complains of having severe headaches when he undergoes stressful situations such as thinking or talking about his past or present situation. He mentions that whenever people were to walk past him and looked at him, he’d feel like they were talking badly about him and this would bother him tremendously. He also expressed his worries about being alone if anything were to happen to his mother as he feels that she is the only person who cares for him genuinely.
He doesn’t complain of any loss of appetite or loss of weight or somatic pain or episodes of extreme joy for no apparent reason.

Social History
Mr. K has been unemployed for the past 4 years. Since then he only holds odd jobs for about 3 days where he makes about RM75 – RM 100 for those 3 days of work at best.
He mentioned that on average he has about 2-3 bottles of “Seven Seas” but on bad days, he has up to 5 – 6 bottles per day. Up until 3 months ago, he always drank with friends but now he drinks at home on his own. He mentioned that he and his friends used to spend an average of RM 100 – RM 200 per day on “Seven Seas”. They would take turns paying for the alcohol each day.

He lives with his parents and two younger siblings. His three older siblings are all married and all the 5 of them are employed. His three older siblings all consume alcohol but not nearly as much as Mr.K does. Mr. K mentions that he has thought of quitting drinking alcohol, but mentions that his family and friends have no faith in him quitting and accuse him of being intoxicated just because of his gait. He also mentions that he receives close to no support from family and friends thus making it very difficult to quit.

Family History
Mr. K does not have any known family history of psychiatric illness. However, his mother suffers from hypertension and his dad, diabetes.

Past Medical History
Four years ago, he suffered from a seizure which resulted in a fall and several external head injuries. Since then he has been having frequent seizures – about once or twice a month. Initially he was hospitalized numerous times for it, as it usually occurred when he was out of the house. But of recent, there hasn’t been any major effects of the seizures. He also has been hospitalized 4 times over the past 5 years (Kulai, Kluang and HSA) for similar presentations as his most recent hospitalization.

Drug/medication History
CAGE questions
Severity of dependance – drinking pattern and if they get tremors and/or pain


1. Major depression with psychosis
2. Alcohol dependence/ Substance abuse with psychosis and other

1. Complications of Alcohol Dependence Christine
2. Evidence based medicine on the relationship between alcohol dependence and depression mano
3. How to manage a patient with alcohol dependence saree
First line
Biological, psychological and social management
4. Summary of other types of substance abuse (effects, complications) and how to manage them – MJ, heroin, amphetamines chris
5. Dangerous drug ordinance maz
What happens when a drug addict presents to the hospital?
What happens when a drunk driver presents to the hospital?
Notification, documentation, who you have to call -
Compare rules & regulations in Australia.
Etc etc etc you get the picture
6. What is the role of the different care providers & the integration of care
Police, social workers hospitals etc etc yazid
7. Diagnosis (history taking & investigations) to rule in/out alcoholic dependence. alvin