Mr Milton Fong
67 yr old Retired accountant
10 yr hx of type II diabetes. claim to be well controlled.
gradual onset of decreased sensitivity of feet over last 3 yrs and numbness.
also has unpleasant burning sensation in feet and toes - keeps him wake at night.
difficulty walking on uneven ground - especially in dark.
no family hx of similar symptoms.
Normal CN examination - but mild to moderate retinopathy.
- UL = normal tone, power, reflexes, sensation and coordination.
- Symmetrical decreased sensitivity - pin prick up to midshin level with diminished proprioception and vibration.
Absent ankle tendon reflexes.
Power relatively normal.
poor to moderate values of diabetic control.
serum protein = normal.
syphillis, Hep B, C, and HIV = negative.
CSF protein non elevated.
nerve conduction studies = LL low amplitude or absent sensory responses compare to UL which is normal. EMG mildly lon duration high amplitude polyphasic motor unit potentials in distal but not proximal LL muscles.
1. Pathophysiology of Peripheral Neuropathy yazid
2. Clinical features of peripheral neuropathy vs myopathy - features of history maz
3. Diabetic foot care + how to manage pain and maintenence of function of neuropathy saree
4. investigations to diagnose peripheral neuropathy - nerve conduction studies! and others if there are. alvin
5. common causes of peripheral neuropathy & how it causes the peripheral neuropathy if there is an explanation how to classify them. chris
6. examination - Clinical features of peripheral neuropathy vs myopathy christine
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