breast CA -
45 year old lady, presented with lump in the right breast for six weeks duration.
notice the lump on the right breast six weeks ago. For the past 2 weeks, there was obviously increase in size of lump. However there is no pain. There is similar lump in her eldest sister.
On examinationm there is no skin changes, no sign of inflammation and no nipple retraction. The lump is 3 X4 cm hard, irregular and mobile. No skin involvement.
Axilla no lymph nodes palpable. Left breast normal.
Menstruation hx.
5 X30 days cycle. S/t menorrhagia.
OCP consumption for the past 30 years
Provisional Dx
Ca breast stage 1 (T2N0M0)
Firbocystice disease
Phylloyde tumour
Fat necrosis
Ductal papilloma.
1. anatomy-->gross (quadrants, location) blood supply, lymph drainage, nerve
physiology (christine)
2. discuss psychological, ethical, legal isu such autonomy, trust and privacy. (sareeta)
3. screening of breast cancer, rule of screening (maze)
4. dDx lumps in the breast + explanation (clinical symptom, Ex) (yazid)
5. investigation of breast lump (chris)
6. managament of common breast lump (detail on the CA breast, outline others) (alvin)
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