1. Clinical presentation of colon cancer. History, examination & diagnosis based on history and examination. maz
i. Various presentations
ii. All the criterias – tnm, dukes whatever
2. Causes, risk factors, epi – aetiology of colorectal cancer. Look up the inheritance etc. christine
i. Answer his question about what he can do to not get another cancer.
3. Management – surgical. Various types of surgeries. Colostomy/colectomy etc etc Palliative saree
i. How its done. Why its done
4. Management – medical. Chemo yazid
i. How its done, how much, what’s used
5. investigations for colorectal cancer alvin
i. explain the procedures and how to do them briefly. Don’t be technical people.
ii. why do you do sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy? do the instruments differ?
6. Anatomy of the lower GI and correlations with CA. chris
i. Why it happens there?
ii. Blood supply – metastasis
iii. Lymphatics – metastasis
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