Fever – relieved by paracetamol (initially)



Nonproductive cough


Muscle ache


Sexually active with boyfriends (on OCP)


Travel history

Medical Student


  1. Algorithm of fever and dDx (yazid)
    1. Further Hx of patient (other important question for patient)
    2. Investigation (if any?)
  2. Epi of infectious disease in SEA (saree)
    1. Typhoid, Hep A + B, leptospirosis
  3. what advice would you give to doctor? (Alvin)
    1. Who else can give advice?
    2. What diagnosis is most likely?
    3. dDx?
    4. Does she need to be admitted to hospital?
    5. Other Ix?
  4. How to diagnose malaria in lab? (aka Ix) (maze)
    1. Why was 1st blood film reported –ve for parasite (pathogenesis of malaia)
  5. Management of malaria (chris)
    1. Why was pregnancy test ordered? (can malaria cause spontaneous abortion or drug related)
    2. Side effects of quinine and how should patient be monitored?
    3. Does patient required additional treatment? (where would you find this information?)
    4. At what point could Mx of ms Pang be improved? (vaccination?)
  6. infectious disease (Christine)
    1. sexually transmitted
    2. medical student