Nephotic Syndrome

-A clinical complex characterized by increased basement membrane permeability due to injury to the capillary walls of the glomeruli

-Characterized by

1. Massive proteinuria >3.5g/day
2. Generalized edema from decreased plasma colloid oncotic pressure
3. Hypoalbunimea secondary to proteinurea
4. Hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia due to increased hepatic lipoprotein synthesis

Nephritic syndrome

-A clinical complex, usually of acute onset, characterized by inflammatory rupture of the glomerular capillaries with resultant bleeding into the urinary space

Characterized by:

1. Oliguria (<400ml)
2. Azotemia (abnormal levels of nitrogen-containing compounds, such as urea, creatinine, various body waste compounds, and other nitrogen-rich compounds in the blood) 
3. Hypertension 
4. Hematuria with red cell casts
5. Mild proteinuria and edema