tests used for diagnosis:

1) fasting plasma glucose test (FPG)

o measures your blood glucose after you have gone at least 8 hours without eating.

o used to detect diabetes or pre-diabetes.

o the preferred test for diagnosing diabetes due to convenience

o most reliable when done in the morning

Plasma Glucose Result (mg/dL)


110 and below


110 to 125

(impaired fasting glucose)

-more likely to develop type 2 diabetes)

126 and above


Table 1. Fasting Plasma Glucose Test

*Confirmed by repeating the test on a different day.

2) oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)

o measures your blood glucose after you have gone at least 8 hours without eating and after you drink a glucose-containing beverage. (75 grams of glucose dissolved in water; 100 grams for pregnant wome)

o blood will be taken before drinking glucose-containing solution, and again every 30 to 60 minutes after drinking the solution. The test takes up to 3 hours.

o can be used to diagnose diabetes or pre-diabetes, gestational diabetes.

2-Hour Plasma Glucose Result (mg/dL)


139 and below


140 to 199

(impaired glucose tolerance)

200 and above


Table 2. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

o For diagnosis of gestational diabetes, blood glucose levels are checked 4x during the test.

o If blood glucose levels are above normal at least twice during the test, you have gestational diabetes.


Plasma Glucose Result (mg/dL)


105 or higher

At 1 hour

190 or higher

At 2 hours

165 or higher

At 3 hours

145 or higher

Table 3. Gestational Diabetes: Above-Normal
Results for the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

3) random plasma glucose test (RPG)

o doctor checks your blood glucose without regard to when you ate your last meal.

o random blood glucose level of 200 mg/dL or more + presence of the following symptoms, can mean that you have diabetes:

· increased urination

· increased thirst

· unexplained weight loss

· Other symptoms include fatigue, blurred vision, increased hunger, and sores that do not heal

o This test, along with an assessment of symptoms, is used to diagnose diabetes but not pre-diabetes.

o Positive test results should be confirmed by repeating the fasting plasma glucose test or the oral glucose tolerance test on a different day.