1) Hypertension nephrosclerosis

2) Diabetes nephropathy

3) Polycystic kidney disease

4) Alport syndrome-an inherited disorder (usually X-linked) – destruction of glomeruli (chronic glomerulonephritis).

5) Gromeluronephritis

6) Lupus nephritis- immune system produces antibodies against body components accumulation of the antibodies result in an inflammatory response -->damage to kidney.

7) Family Hx of kidney disease

8) Smoking- causes artery calcification

9) Overuse of painkillers + allergic reactions to a/biotic

10) Obesity- ↑prevalence of DM and HTN

11) Premature birth- 1 in 5 premature infants (32 weeks) may have calcium deposits in nephrons- neprocalcinosis

12) Age- kidney function ↓ in older people

13) Trauma / accident