clinical signs and symptoms of lung cancer
Respiratory system review
Blood in phlegm?
Chest pain on breathing?
Hoarse voice?
Fevers/night sweats?
Primary tumours of lung
Cough (worsening gradually)
Haemoptysis (invasion of cancer into vessel wall)
Breathlessness( caused by occlusion of bronchus causing collapse [atelactasis] or development of pleural effusion)
Wheezing(narrowing the bronchus in or around which it is growing )
Stridor ( narrowing of lower trachea, carina or main bronchi)
Pleural pain (malignant invasion of of pleura)
Weight loss and lack of appetite(metastatic spread)
Hoarse voice( left apex of lung compressing on left recurrent laryngeal nerve)
General: cachexic, palor( anaemia)
Hands and wrists: clubbing, hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy(periostits of long bones such as radius and ulna, periosteum is a connective tissue covering bones and have bone forming potentialities), fine muscle wasting
Nodes: supraclavicular or axillary lymphadenopathy
Chest: consolidation, collapse, pleural effusion
Metastases: bone tenderness, hepatomegaly, proximal myopathy
Endocrine sx
Cushings syndrome
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