1) risk factors- genes( r'ship btwn family Hx and RF), other factors eg HTN
Causes of CRF- genetic, a/immune (Msia + Aust) -----------------------Maz

2) Stages of RF (5) (progression) ------------------------------------------Saree

3) Investigations of CRF
- r/ship btwn GFR + creatinine
- GFR calculations
- how is it diff frm ARF?
- expalin results frm case ----------------------------------------------Alvin

4) Complications of CRF
- anemia,
- metabolic effcts,
-other complications to the patinet (multiple organ invlvement)--------Chris

5) Management of CRF
-amlodipine, EPO injections
- drugs contraindications

6) polycystic kidney disease- brief--------------------------------------Yazid